ECO Friendly banner

Technology comes in many shapes and packages.


     Here at Simplifi, we believe in reducing our impact on the planet as much as possible. We work with suppliers to find sustainable solutions and go the extra mile to ensure that all packaging is disposed of or recycled properly. 



We provide e-cycling for customers who are ditching their old tech. This can range from old computers, printers, speakers and more. Ask us how we can help make more room in your home.

We Install Bike Racks

Bike rack installation

One way we enjoy helping our communities stay green is by installing bike racks. By making it easier to choose an energy efficient bike over a gas guzzling vehicle, we are helping reduce our communities’ dependence on fossil fuels. Ask how we can help you with a bike rack installation.

We give feedback to our suppliers

Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco

We provide feedback to suppliers to help guide their future decisions towards packaging and other planet impacting processes. 

Power Consumption

light bulb eco conscious

We can also implement energy saving measures in the form of lighting systems that help you reduce energy consumption. We can automate your lighting to be brighter when you need it the most and dim or off when not in use. Ask us how we can implement energy saving measures in your home.