
    Having a complex entertainment system without a simple way to control them can become confusing and lead you to dislike your electronics. In our industry, control is the name of the game. We feature control methods ranging from basic hand-held remotes to fully integrated, built-in control systems, including wireless touch panels, and control applications for your iPad or other PDA devices.

Lighting Control

    Having a simple way to control your lighting can make setting the perfect mood easy. With powerful tools that can help reduce energy consumption, set multiple scenes and be scheduled, or put on “vacation” mode, lighting control can bring many improvements to your daily life. Lighting control can be anything from controlling one lamp in your TV room with your remote control – to controlling an entire property remotely via network interface. Motorized shades would also fall under this category. With the ability to control your shades with the push of a button or through a schedule you are guaranteed to always have the perfect amount of light, day or night.